Lowongan kerja Port Captain PT Arutmin Indonesia Desember 2009 Posted: 01 Dec 2009 09:09 PM PST PT Arutmin Indonesia - Arutmin is a modern coal mining company supplying highly competitive coal products with a high reactivity and excellent combustion characteristics. Stringent quality assurance procedures and outstanding customer support have made us a preferred provider of coal products for power plants and industrial plants in Asia and beyond. To support its growth, the company is currently looking for a high potential and dynamic individual to fill the positions as : MANAGEMENT REPORTING & EXPENDITURE PROPOSAL SUPERINTENDENT (Code: MREPS)This is a senior staff position reporting to Business Analysis Manager. This position is based in Jakarta office. He/She is responsible to analyze and produce reporting in Finance Department in order to provide the operation, finance, and the Management with best data and analysis. He/she is also responsible to provide an economic analysis of the project/capital proposal and to control and monitor financial aspects during project/capital expenditure implementation in order to ensure cost occurs accordingly to approved budget and system. Qualifications and requirements to apply :- Min. Master Degree (S2) in accounting, finance, MBA or other relevant disciplines.
- Min. 6 years in financial and or management accounting.
- Proven experience as business analyst.
- Possess strong analytical skills and computer aided analytical and presentation skills.
- Self motivated and able to work independently
- Computer literate (MS Word, Excel, Pw Point).
- Possess good communication skill in Indonesian and English.
- Possess good understanding in global coal business.
PORT CAPTAIN - (Code: PC)This is a staff position reporting to Port Coordinator. This position is based in South Kalimantan and responsible to execute and proceed barging activities with objective meeting high quality standard operation. Those with the following qualification are encouraged to apply. Specific requirements to apply:- S1 Degree in Merchant Marine Academy and holding ANT II (minimum ANT III)
- Minimum 4 years experience in handling barges and vessels movement.
- Good knowledge of bulk unloading and loading activities.
- Good knowledge of marine and sea transportation rules and regulations.
- Good knowledge of Marine Contract Administration and Insurance Claim.
- Computer literate (mining software, MS Word, MS Excel)
- Good language skills both spoken and written of both Indonesian and English
- High commitment to PT AI standards in environment, safety, business ethics and good corporate governance.
All applications will be kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Attractive remuneration plus generous benefits will be offered to the successful candidate. Please send your application and resume in English, recent photograph & Copy ID card and put the position code at the top-right side of the envelope not later than 15 December 2009 to :  
Lowongan kerja PLN Jawa Barat Desember 2009 Posted: 01 Dec 2009 07:32 PM PST Pengumuman Rekrutmen PT PLN (Persero)
Tingkat S1/D3 Tahun 20091. Persyaratan : Lulus S1 atau D3- S1 hanya boleh melamar untuk posisi jabatan S1
- D3 hanya boleh melamar untuk posisi jabatan D3
Batas Usia- S1 : Kelahiran 1984 dan sesudahnya
- D3 : Kelahiran 1986 dan sesudahnya
IPK:- IPK > 2,75 untuk Teknik
- IPK > 3,00 untuk Non Teknik
2 Mengisi data pendaftaran melalui STAND PLN di Job Fair Politeknik Piksi di Landmark Convention Hall Bandung mulai tanggal 1 – 3 Desember 2009. 3. Satu pelamar hanya diperbolehkan memilih 1 (satu) posisi jabatan sesuai bidang studi 4. Panggilan peserta dan lokasi tes akan diumumkan melalui website www.pln.co.id dan www.pln-jabar.co.id 5. Tahapan Tes Meliputi: - Seleksi Administrasi
- Tes Akademis dan Bahasa Inggris
- Tes Psikologi dan diskusi kelompok
- Tes Kesehatan
- Wawancara
6. Prioritas penempatan sebagai pegawai di luar Jawa – Bali 7.Berkas Lamaran dibawa pada saat Penjelasan Tes Kesehatan (setelah peserta dinyatakan memenuhi kriteria Tes Psikologi dan Diskusi Kelompok) Kelengkapan berkas lamaran:- Surat Lamaran yang ditujukan kepada PT PLN (Persero) c.q. Deputi Direktur Pengembangan SDM dan Talenta
- Riwayat Hidup (CV)
- Copy Ijasah/keterangan lulus yang dilegalisir
- Copy transkrip nilai terakhir yang dilegalisir
- Copy KTP dan akte kelahiran.
- Surat keterangan sehat dan tidak buta warna dari dokter umum
- Pasfoto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar
- Pernyataan diri di atas materai Rp. 6.000,- yang menyatakan bahwa pelamar :
- Tidak tersangkut dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba dan zat adiktif lainnya
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia bila diterima sebagai pegawai PLN.
- Bagi Pelamar dari lulusan program Lintas Jalur (D3 yang meneruskan S1), agar kelengkapan berkas di atas ditambahkan dengan :
- Transkrip nilai D3 yang dilegalisir
- Ijazah D3 yang dilegalisir
Apabila terdapat perbedaan data antara Soft copy dan hard copy akan mengakibatkan peserta GUGUR dan TIDAK DAPAT meneruskan ke tahapan tes selanjutnya
| No.
| Posisi / Jabatan
| Program Studi
| 1.
| ED (Assistant Engineer/Assistant Operator di Bidang Operator Distribusi
| ·
| Teknik Elektro Industri
| Tenaga Listrik)
| ·
| Teknik Elektro Kontrol
| ·
| Teknik Energi Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Listrik Industri
| ·
| Teknik Tenaga Listrik
| 2.
| PE (Assistant Engineer Konstruksi / Pemeliharaan di bidang Pembangkit
| ·
| Teknik Elektro Industri
| , Gardu Induk, Transmisi dan Distribusi Tenaga Listrik)
| ·
| Teknik Elektro Kontrol
| ·
| Teknik Energi Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Listrik Industri
| ·
| Teknik Tenaga Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Mesin
| ·
| Teknik Mesin Industri
| ·
| Teknik Mekatronika
| ·
| Teknik Konversi Energi
| 3.
| EP (Assistant Engineer / Assistant Operator di bidang Pembangkit Tenaga
| ·
| Teknik Elektro Industri
| Listrik)
| ·
| Teknik Elektro Kontrol
| ·
| Teknik Energi Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Listrik Industri
| ·
| Teknik Tenaga Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Fisika
| ·
| Teknik Mesin
| ·
| Teknik Mesin Industri
| ·
| Teknik Mekatronika
| ·
| Teknik Konversi Energi
| ·
| Teknik Instrumentasi
| 1.
| TDT (Junior Engineer / Operator di bidang Distribusi Tenaga Listrik)
| ·
| Teknik Elektro Industri
| ·
| Teknik Elektro Kontrol
| ·
| Teknik Energi Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Listrik Industri
| ·
| Teknik Tenaga Listrik
| 2.
| TPE (Junior Engineer Konstruksi / Pemeliharaan di bidang Pembangkit,
| ·
| Teknik Elektro Industri
| Gardu Induk, Transmisi dan Distribusi Tenaga Listrik)
| ·
| Teknik Elektro Kontrol
| ·
| Teknik Energi Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Listrik Industri
| ·
| Teknik Tenaga Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Mesin
| ·
| Teknik Mesin Industri
| ·
| Teknik Mekatronika
| ·
| Teknik Konversi Energi
| 3.
| TPL (Junior Engineer / Junior Operator di bidang Pembangkit Tenaga
| ·
| Teknik Elektro Industri
| Listrik)
| ·
| Teknik Elektro Kontrol
| ·
| Teknik Energi Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Listrik Industri
| ·
| Teknik Tenaga Listrik
| ·
| Teknik Fisika
| ·
| Teknik Mesin
| ·
| Teknik Mesin Industri
| ·
| Teknik Mekatronika
| ·
| Teknik Konversi Energi
| 4.
| TPD (Junior Operator di bidang Pengolahan Data)
| ·
| Ilmu Komputer
| ·
| Informatika Industri
| ·
| Manajemen Informatika
| ·
| Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer
| ·
| Manajemen Komputer
| ·
| Manajemen Sistem Informasi
| ·
| Sistem Informasi
| ·
| Sistem Komputer
| ·
| Teknik Informatika
| ·
| Teknik Informatika Komputer
| ·
| Teknologi Informasi
| ·
| Teknologi Sistem Informasi
| 5.
| PNG (Junior Officer di bidang Niaga Pengolahan Data)
| ·
| Ilmu Komputer
| ·
| Informatika Industri
| ·
| Manajemen Informatika
| ·
| Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer
| ·
| Manajemen Komputer
| ·
| Manajemen Sistem Informasi
| ·
| Sistem Informasi
| ·
| Sistem Komputer
| ·
| Teknik Informatika
| ·
| Teknik Informatika Komputer
| ·
| Teknologi Informasi
| ·
| Teknologi Sistem Informasi
| ·
| Ilmu Ekonomi
| ·
| Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan
| ·
| Ilmu Hubungan Masyarakat
| ·
| Keuangan
| ·
| Keuangan dan Perbankan
| ·
| Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah
| ·
| Manajemen
| ·
| Manajemen Bisnis
| ·
| Manajemen dan Perdagangan
| ·
| Manajemen dan Studi Pembangunan
| ·
| Manajemen Keuangan
| ·
| Manajemen Keuangan dan Perbankan
| ·
| Manajemen Keuangan dan Perpajakan
| ·
| Manajemen Pemasaran
| ·
| Manajemen Perusahaan
| ·
| Manajemen Umum
| ·
| Pemasaran
| ·
| Studi Pembangunan
| 6.
| PAS (Junior Officer Administrasi)
| ·
| Ilmu Komputer
| ·
| Informatika Industri
| ·
| Manajemen Informatika
| ·
| Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer
| ·
| Manajemen Komputer
| ·
| Manajemen Sistem Informasi
| ·
| Sistem Informasi
| ·
| Sistem Komputer
| ·
| Teknik Informatika
| ·
| Teknik Informatika Komputer
| ·
| Teknologi Informasi
| ·
| Teknologi Sistem Informasi
| ·
| Administrasi Bisnis
| ·
| Administrasi Bisnis Perkantoran
| ·
| Administrasi dan Kebijakan Publik
| ·
| Administrasi Hukum
| ·
| Administrasi Kepegawaian
| ·
| Administrasi Perdagangan
| ·
| Administrasi Pembangunan
| ·
| Administrasi Sekretari
| ·
| Ilmu Administrasi
| ·
| Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis
| ·
| Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal
| ·
| Ilmu Administrasi Niaga
| ·
| Ilmu Kesekretariatan
| ·
| Kesekretariatan
| ·
| Kesekretariatan dan Administrasi Perkantoran
| ·
| Komputerisasi Perkantoran dan Kesekretariatan
| ·
| Manajemen Administrasi
| ·
| Manajemen Perkantoran
| ·
| Manajemen Personalia
| ·
| Manajemen Personalia dan Penyuluhan
| ·
| Manajemen Perusahaan
| ·
| Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
| ·
| Pemasaran
| ·
| Studi Pembangunan
| ·
| Sekretaris
| 7.
| PAK (Junior Officer Akuntansi)
| ·
| Akuntansi
| ·
| Akuntansi dan Perbankan Syariah
| ·
| Akuntansi Komputer
| ·
| Akuntansi Perbankan
| ·
| Akuntansi Perpajakan
| ·
| Akuntansi Umum
| ·
| Komputer Akuntansi
| ·
| Komputerisasi Akuntansi
| ·
| Manajemen Akuntansi
| -0O0-
Sumber : Lowongan PLN DESEMBER
Lowongan kerja Credit Consultant Untuk Lulusan SMA Medan Desember Posted: 01 Dec 2009 06:08 PM PST Career opportunities MULTINATIONALS IN COMPANY
PT. ANZ Panin Bank, one of the leading foreign banks in Indonesia, requires individuals and dynamic quality to occupy the position as: Requirements:- Min SMA Graduates
- Age Max. 30 years
- Look neat and attractive
- Having good communication skills
- Ability to work well in a team or individual
- Likes to challenge
- Willing to be placed in Medan, and more preferably have a place to live in Medan
Advantages: Getting commissions, bonuses, rewards, and health insurance
If you meet the above requirements, please send a cover letter, complete CV, recent photograph 4x6 size, their identification card, a photocopy of the last education certificate and a copy of employment reference letter by writing code on the left top position of the envelope, to:Selengkapnya Lowongan Bank Untuk Lulusan SMA  
Lowongan kerja Legal, Project Admin, Project Engineer, Coordinator, Survey, Design, Planning Engineer Huawei Technologies Posted: 01 Dec 2009 05:48 PM PST Huawei Technologies is a leader in providing next generation telecommunication network solutions for operators around the world. Our products and solutions serve 31 of the world's top 50 operators. Now we're expanding our business in Indonesia and looking for best talent and qualified candidates to join us as : 1. Legal SpecialistChecking & preparing legal document comply with customer & government requirement, drafting & reviewing contract agreement, responsible fpr all legal issue concerning sites acquisition subject for telecommunication project in region 2. Document Controller/Project AdminChecking, compiling, filling and ensure all document needed already comply with customer requirement; preparing payment document for subcontractor 3. Project EngineerReponsible for delivery of Huawei project and to fulfill customer requirements 4. PLN CoordinatorResponsible with electrical support as grounding system, electrical installation, generator set, ATS, external alarm, Air Conditioner & other electrical part; intermediation for all administration process between PLN customer 5. Survey, Design, Planning EngineerSurvey & designing sites for telecommunication tower Requirements- Bachelor degree in Law (1), Administration/any major (2), Electrical Engineering (3, 4), Civil Engineering (4,5); max. 28 years old
- Able to work independently with minimum supervision
- Willing to work with traveling condition
- Proficiency in English language is a must
- Able to work in multicultural as well to work in pace changing environment
- Positive attitude, independent, self driven and good coordination toward others
- Able to join immediately
If you are interested in position above please send your application, current CV and recent photograph with position as subject to max. 14 December 2009: maya@huawei.com (Max. 2 mb). Tag : Lowongan Kerja Telekomunikasi, Lowongan Hukum desember, Lowongan Bank  
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