Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

Home Business Quick Tip

Home Business Weekly eZine for Isnain

As a reminder this email is only sent to affiliates,
customers, and double opt-in subscribers. You are
getting this mailing because you promoted a product of
mine, purchased a product from me and/or subscribed.
You were added to this ezine on 11/07/09 - 21:01:31
via our site forms or associate sites.

In Order to Comply With recent sp@m legislation, I need
to say that my Home Business Weekly may contain in-house and 3rd party marketing as well as articles & information
about Internet marketing.

This publication is copyright HomeBusinessWeekly
You may not reprint this publication in part or in full!
It is intended for subscribers who have opted in to receive it.
Copyright infringement is a Crime!
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Good day Isnain,

Wow! We've been moving a mile a minute around here.
I hope you're doing well!

Just dropping in with....

Another Home Business Quick Tip.

People want to learn new things. Like how to change their oil, start a business or build a tree house for their kids. Show them an easy way to learn. This will make them feel more intelligent.

Business definition for the week:

Contract. When you sign a legal document, you are entering into a contract. Starting a business lets you sign and enter into contracts on behalf of the business -- the contract will be between the other person and your company, not you.

Look for another home business quick tip soon!

Well, that's my quick tip! And, thanks again for joining,

Toni Shrader
email: info@tonishrader.com
My website: http://www.seniorhwy.com

Your Subscription information:
You subscribed on: 11/07/09 - 21:01:31
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Ezine Delivery Schedule: I don't have a set day that I send
out my ezine. I try and space out my ezine but sometimes its
important to pass along the information right away. This
might mean you will get several separate emails in the same
day or you might only get one email a week. I think that the
topics of the ezine should be separate to make it easier for
my subscribers to sort through what is important to them or
not. This is the reason for the separate emails

If you feel I send you to many emails please forgive me for
this and feel free to . We can part friends and you are always welcome to rejoin at a later time. I mean this in the most sincere way.

Thanks for giving us a try!

Selasa, 08 Desember 2009

eby, Arti Cinta Bagi CEO Apple Inc.

** Asian Brain Internet Marketing Center **
Pusat Pembelajaran Internet Marketing PERTAMA
Dan Terbaik di Indonesia

Hello eby :-)

Apa kabar?

Terima kasih eby telah menyimak setiap email yang kami

Kami akan mengirimkan lagi kepada Anda dengan topik bahasan
yang makin menarik dan membuat Anda semakin cinta dengan
dunia internet marketing :-)

Karena semakin Anda mencintai bisnis atau pekerjaan yang
Anda jalani, semakin Anda menemukan arti hidup sesungguhnya.

Seperti juga kecintaan Steve Jobs, CEO Apple Inc. dan
Pixar Animation Studios terhadap pekerjaan dan bisnisnya.
Walau sempat dipecat dari perusahaan yang didirikannya
sendiri, tak ada kata menyerah dari Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs adalah satu dari sekian nama entrepreneur sukses
yang dropped out dari universitas, selain Bill Gates dari
MicroSoft Inc. dan Michael Dell dari Dell Computer Corp. Ia
memutuskan keluar dari Reed College karena kasihan pada
orang tua angkatnya yang harus membiayai pendidikannya yang

Di usia 20 tahunan, ia dan Steven Wozniak membangun cikal
bakal komputer Macintosh di garasi rumah orang tuanya. Di
tahun 1976, mereka berhasil mempopulerkan konsep personal
computer pada dunia. Dan dalam 10 tahun, dua sekawan ini
berhasil membangun Apple menjadi perusahaan beraset 2
miliar dollar dan memiliki lebih dari 4.000 karyawan.

Tetapi di saat ia berumur 30 tahun, Jobs harus menerima
kenyataan pahit. Ia dipecat oleh Board of Director dari
perusahaan yang didirikannya, karena kegagalan visinya dan
kejatuhan Apple di kala itu.

Ketika itu Jobs merasa hancur, malu, impiannya hilang dan
tidak mampu melakukan apa-apa selama berbulan-bulan. Sampai
kemudian ia bertemu dengan David Packard dan Bob Noyce, ia
pun mencoba memaafkan kesalahan-kesalahan yang pernah

Tapi ada satu yang tak berubah, walaupun ia pernah ditolak,
Jobs masih mencintai, bahkan sangat mencintai apa yang
dikerjakannya. Maka ia pun berusaha untuk bangkit, memulai
segala sesuatunya dari awal lagi.

Lima tahun kemudian, Jobs mendirikan perusahaan Pixar
Animation Studios yang membuat film animasi komputer
pertama di dunia -Toy Story- dan berhasil memenangkan
penghargaan Oscar sebagai film animasi terbaik. Dan tak
lama kemudian ia bertemu dan jatuh cinta dengan perempuan
yang kini menjadi istrinya.

Beberapa waktu kemudian, Apple membeli Pixar dan Jobs pun
kembali menduduki jabatannya di perusahaan yang dulu ia
dirikan. Sedangkan teknologi yang ia bangun di Pixar
menjadi jantung kebangkitan Apple di masa kini.

Apple menjadi pemimpin inovasi dalam industri dekstop dan
notebook, operating system, musik digital dengan perangkat
iPod dan iTunes, toko musik online-.

Sedangkan Pixar menjadi penghasil film-film animasi box office
dan pemenang Oscar, seperti Toy Story, A Bug's Life,
Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo dan The Incredibles.

Kini Steve Jobs bisa berkata bahwa pernah dipecat dari
Apple adalah hal terbaik yang pernah terjadi pada dirinya.
Ibarat meminum sebuah pil pahit. Tetapi apa yang membuat
Jobs bangkit dan terus maju adalah keyakinan dan
kecintaannya pada apa yang ia kerjakan. Karena bagi Jobs,
itu adalah satu-satunya cara mendapatkan hasil pekerjaan
yang terbaik.

Dan jika sampai sekarang eby belum juga mengetahui
pekerjaan apa yang eby cintai. Teruslah mencari, sampai
hati eby merasakannya bahwa eby telah menemukannya.

Dan jika eby telah menemukan bisnis yang eby cari,
cara yang terbaik untuk memasarkannya adalah melalui internet.
Karena pasarnya bisa menjangkau seluruh dunia dan melalui
sistem otomatisasinya, membuat pekerjaan eby menjadi lebih
ringan. Dan yang terpenting, apapun bisnis eby yang hendak
ditekuni, semuanya bisa dipasarkan melalui internet.

Karena itu, upgrade keanggotaan Asian Brain Anda segera untuk
mempelajari internet marketing secara lengkap dan detil.

Bila ada pertanyaan, jangan sungkan untuk email kepada kami
melalui www.AsianBrainSupport.com

Salam Sukses,
AsianBrain.com Support Team

PT. Asian Brain Internet Marketing Center
Jl. Bojong Sereh No. 668 Bandung 40376
Jawa Barat - INDONESIA

Tlp. (022) 5944-999, 5945-999, 5946-999
Fax. (022) 5947-999
HP. 081.320.6888.98 (Asri, Asisten Ahira)

Important Message - New Disclosure Options and Post Types

--As a user signed up as an advertiser at sponsoredreviews.com you are recieving this message to notify you of important updates to our system--

Hello isnain febry,

This message is to notify you about important changes we have made at SponsoredReviews.com. Due to the newly released "Revised
Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising" (.pdf) by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), we have updated our system to allow advertisers to require in-post disclosures on all of their paid posts. With this option selected, our system will automatically look for our in-post dislosure badges upon the blogger submitting a completed post.

Advertisers who are concerned about the revised guidelines should utilize the in-post disclosure system to insure compliance (If you are concerned about the search engines using the disclosure badges to track down your paid posts, please read below about how our badges our signature free). However it is important to note that in-post disclosure is not required by the FTC. Bloggers can also include a Site Wide disclosure that clearly states that they do paid posts, SponsoredReviews has always supported site wide disclosures. In addition the guidelines only refer to endorsements/testimonials, articles that do not make endorsements should not raise any flags, for that reason we now have new "Post Type" options for Advertisers. We highly recommend utilizing the "Article" or "Content Rewrite" Post Types and asking bloggers to write an article about a subject related to industry versus asking them to write a "review".

Go to SponsoredReviews.com

New Disclosure Options

  • No Preference
    It is up to the blogger to decide how they disclose, the advertiser does not have a preference.

  • In-Post Required
    Blogger must use the disclosure badge/image selected by the advertiser in their post. Our system will check for the disclosure badge upon the blogger submitting the completed post.

  • Site Wide Only
    Advertiser does not want In-Post disclosure but having a site wide disclosure on the bloggers site is acceptable.  A Site wide disclosure is a written statement that the blogger accepts compensation to write reviews.

  • No Disclosure Needed – Not a Review
    If the post is not a review and will not endorse the Advertiser than the advertiser can request non-disclosure. As always the bloggers still have the option to do sitewide disclosures on their blogs.

New Post Types

For a long time we have had Advertisers requesting the ability to select what type of post they want the Blogger to write. Many advertisers do not want reviews they simply want an article about a particular topic (containing their links), or they want a blogger to simply repost content (Such as a Press Release) exactly as they have it written. The great thing about articles is that if they are not an endorsement of your company/service/website but are simply educational than there arent as many concerns about FTC rules and disclosures methods, although we would still suggest requiring in-post disclosure if you have any concerns about the new FTC regulations. Read below to learn about how our disclosure badges are "Signature Free" and will not allow search engines to automatically devalue your paid posts.

Here are a list of the new post types:

  • Article
    If you choose "article" as your post type you are asking the blogger to write an article about whatever subject you request. For example you could ask bloggers to write an article about a keyword/subject related to your business. Articles are a great option for those concerned about FTC regulations regarding endorsements in blog posts. Instead of writing a review about your company they are simply writing an article about a particular subject and including links to your site (without endorsing your company/website).

  • Content Rewrite
    A content rewrite is where you provide an article (or some other type of content) that you want the blogger to rewrite and post on their blog. The advantage of having a blogger rewrite a piece of content versus writing it from scratch is that you will get higher quality articles since the blogger is given better direction. It is much easier for a blogger to rewrite an article then it is to write one from scratch, especially for topics that they may not be familiar with.

  • Content Repost
    A content repost is where you provide an Article/Press Release/Advertisement (or some other type of content) that you want the blogger to repost on their blogs exactly as it was written (Make sure that the content contains your required links). This is especially good for distributing press releases or promotions where it is important that the content be worded correctly. It however is not recommended for SEO link building since duplicating content on every blog that re-posts your content will reduce the effectiveness of the links coming from those posts.

Visit SponsoredReviews.com

Questions and Answers

Q: Do I have to require In-Post Disclosure Badges on all of my paid posts.

A: No, You do not have to require In-Post Disclosures via our system. Bloggers can do site wide disclosures at their descretion. In addition, if you are selecting a post type such as "Article" and you are not asking the blogger to endorse your website there shouldnt be any issues with FTC rules.


Q: Wont the disclosure badges make it easy for the search engines and/or my competitors to track down my paid posts?

A: Our disclosure badges use a random source URL created by TinyURL. The src url of the image is different for every paid post it is used on, so there are no signatures left that can be used to track down your posts.


SponsoredReviews Team

1580 N. Fiesta Blvd Suite 102 480-305-6612




Lowongan kerja Legal Counsel, Logistic Manager, Senior Contract Officer Sanyen Oil & Gas Pte. Ltd

Posted: 06 Dec 2009 06:00 PM PST

Informasi Lowongan kerja di Sanyen Oil & Gas Pte. Ltd. (SOGPL) , Genting Oil Natuna Pte. Ltd. (GONPL) and Genting Oil Kasuri Pte. Ltd. (GOKPL) are members of a diversified Group which is listed on the Kuala lumpur Stock Esdrange, Malaysia. The Group through SOGPL, GONPL and GOKPL is involved in several Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) with BPMIGAS in Indonesia. In view of our significant and growing business operations in Indonesia, we seek to hire a suitably qualified candidate to till the following post based in our Jakarta Office

Procurement / Logistic Manager

  • Lead logistics team to manage operational deliveries in a timely sensitive user departments focused manner;
  • Analysing data to monitor logistics performance and plan improvements;
  • Liaising and negotiating with logistics service provider to get the most cost efficiency
  • Developing logistics performance by gaining new contracts analysing logistical problems and producing new solutions
  • Bachelor degree from reputable university
  • Minimum 10 years related working experience in logistics within oil & gas industry
  • PTK-007 BPMIGAS certificated is a preferably
  • Familiar with procurement and logistics regulation, good interpersonal and communication skill, good leadership
Legal Counsel

  • Drafting, reviewing, and negotiating a wide range of oil & gas and other commercial and legal agreements
  • Provide advice on based on the prevailing laws and regulations
  • Ensure that all corporate departments are kept abreast of business support requirements in Indonesia and the service being provided
  • Liaise with relevant external Indonesian govenrment (BPMIGAS) and regulatory authorities and co-ventures;
  • Bachelor degree of Law from reputable university
  • Able to prepare the draft and review the contract
  • Minimum 5 years related working experience in oil & gas industry
  • PTK-007 BPMIGAS certificated is preferable
Permit Formalities Coordinator


  • Provide assistance to the External Affairs Manager, in advising and monitoring to obtain required permits to support the operations activities
  • Build and maintain food relationship with central and local government authorities
  • Bachelor degree from a reputable university
  • Minimum 7 years related working experience in handling permits within oil & gas industry
External and Community Development Coordinator

  • Provide assistance to the external affairs manager and advice in seeking collaboration with appropriate community and government representative
  • To advance the delivery of Community Development program initiatives as part of the effort in promoting the company image and reputation
  • Bachelor degree of from reputable university, preferably in PR or Communication discipline
  • Minimum 7 years related working experience in community development within oil & gas industry
External Community Relation Staff

  • Provide assistance to the external and community development coordinator in maintaining and close presence or communication to all communities at the lowest level possible in specific area
  • Provide general secretarial support to the external affair department, including manage relevant documentation, report and administration work
  • Bachelor degree of from reputable university preferably in Communication discipline
  • Minimum 5 years related working experience within oil & gas industry
Senior Contract Officer

  • Responsible in procurement contract initiation, such as drafting contracts, consult with user departments and legal department up to bid document issuing
  • Facilitating in the pre-bid meetings, legal exceptions clearance and contract signing by authorized officers
  • Responsible in contract progress monitoring, such as collect progress report from vendors, assist user departments in issuing work order
  • Responsible in issuing contract change orders and contract amendments requsted from user departments, analyze and facilitate its approvals by authorized officer and monitor the validity of contract performance bond
  • Responsible in contract closing, such as managing early termination of contract performance evaluation preparation and archiving
  • Bachelor degree, preferably in law discipline
  • Minimum 7 years related working experience and has PTK-007 BPMIGAS certificate
  • Good working knowledge in procurement
All positions required strong proficiency in both written and spoken English, matured and pleasant personality with good interpersonal and communication skills. A competitive renumeration package that commensurate with qualification and experience shall be offered to the successful candidate
Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications, together with full resume / curriculum vitae, details of current and expected renumeration and a latest photograph to the following address not later than 19 December 2009, please indicate the position you apply on the subject of your email or application letter

Lowongan kerja Unit Financing Officer, Area Financing Officer, Relationship Officer, Sales Officer, Bank BRI Syariah

Posted: 06 Dec 2009 05:59 PM PST

Islamic Micro Unit (UMS) BRI Syariah opens the opportunity for a potentially powerful professional to fill the position and willing to be placed in the Greater Jakarta area and Cilegon.

Unit Financing Officer (UFO) & Area Financing Officer (AFO)

Memahami pengetahuan perbankan mikro, financing analyst, penilaian jaminan & trade checking sehingga dihasilkan kualitas pembiayaan yang sehat dan menguntungkan.

Pria/Wanita usia max 28 tahun, pendidikan min. S1, semua jurusan
Memiliki pengalaman di lembaga keuangan, perbankan atau pada posisi yang sama (UFO min. 1 tahun, AFO min. 2 tahun)
Mempunyai kemampuan menggunakan aplikasi MS Office, terutama Word dan Excel

Relationship Officer (RO)

Mempersiapkan dan melaksanakan serta menetapkan prioritas pembinaan account pembiayaan untuk mencapai portofolio pembiayaan yang berkembang, sehat dan menguntungkan. Pembinaan terhadap komunitas melalui pembinaan & pelatihan yang terprogram.

Pria/Wanita usia max 28 tahun, pendidikan min. D3, semua jurusan
Memiliki pengalaman min. 1 tahun di lembaga keuangan, perbankan atau pada posisi yang sama

Sales Officer (SO)

Mempersiapkan dan melaksanakan rencana atas account pembiayaan untuk mencapai portofolio pembiayaan yang berkembang, sehat dan menguntungkan serta menjalankan disiplin proses sales.

Pria/Wanita usia max 28 tahun, pendidikan min. D3, semua jurusan
Memiliki pengalaman min. 1 tahun di lembaga keuangan, perbankan atau pada posisi yang sama.

Walk in Interview
Hari, Tanggal: Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009
Waktu: 09.00 s/d 15.00 WIB

Tempat: JDC (Jakarta Design Center) Lt. 6 Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 53 Slipi, Jakarta Pusat

Completeness: Take a full CV and letter of application and write the position code on the cover letter. Applications accepted until 12:00 pm. Only qualified candidates that will be processed, limited places.

Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

O-OM.COM | Blog Tips dan Blogger Tutorial

Link to Free Blogger Template | Blogger Tutorial | Belajar Ngeblog

Menampilkan Next Comments Blogger untuk komentar diatas 200

Posted: 06 Dec 2009 05:39 AM PST

Kita yang menggunakan Blogger Custom Template biasanya tidak terlalu memperhatikan masalah Next Comment ini, masalah ini biasanya baru ketahuan setelah jumlah komentar diblog kita sudah melebihi angka 200. Saya dulu sempat kaget juga melihat jumlah komentar blog saya yang seharusnya menampilkan lebih dari 500 komentar dan ternyata dari blogger sendiri hanya membatasi pada 200 komentar saja

Bursa Lowongan Kerja

Bursa Lowongan Kerja


Posted: 04 Dec 2009 04:36 PM PST

*URGENTLY REQUIRED!* We are an oil company located at South Jakarta. To support our purpose company, we are looking for suitable candidates to join our dynamic team. *I. HRD – Generalist* Requirements: - Male/Female, age between 23-28 - Candidate must possess at least a bachelor degree in Psychology from a reputable university with minimum GPA: 3.00 - Experience minimal 1 year, but fresh graduate [...]



Lowongan kerja Product Technical Engineer PT. Indobara Bahana

Posted: 04 Dec 2009 06:23 PM PST

PT. Indobara Bahana was established on 1974 to fulfill the Indonesian Market for reliable and quality pump and in line with the growing and building of Indonesia's physical development. During the period of 1968 – 1970 the brand "EBARA" was launched and continuously grow up until now as well known pump in Indonesia. Currently the company expanded their business not only as pump dealer, but also as Distributor, Engineering, Procurement and Contractors. We challenge the Top Performer employee to join our great team to overcome the extremely rapid growth for the following positions:

Product Technical Engineer

  • Evaluate customer requirements through customer contact to prepare (drawing design product) and ensure professional technical quotation
  • Identified and specified material of product needed and estimated the prize.
  • Preparing material presentation for customer
  • Follow up with process and manage orders through completion
  • Male / Female, max. age 30 years old
  • Preferable has an experience as a technical for pump/fire product at least 2 years.
  • Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Chemical engineering
  • Major in programming Autocad 3D
Those who are interested and meet the above requirement, please send your complete application letter, resume, a recent photograph, and indicate the position title at email subject  to :

Selengkapnya di Lowongan MiGas

Tag : Lowongan kerja Desember, Lowongan pekerjaan, Informasi Lowongan kerja terbaru 2009

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

Bursa Lowongan Kerja

Bursa Lowongan Kerja


Posted: 04 Dec 2009 04:00 PM PST

Hay Group is a global management consulting firm that works with leaders to transform strategy into reality. We develop talent, organize people to be more effective and motivate them to perform at their best. Our focus is on making change happen and helping people and organizations realize their potential. We have over 2600 employees working in 88 offices in 47 [...]


Posted: 04 Dec 2009 03:19 PM PST

Job Vacancy Java Developer (JD) R E Q U I R E M E N T S : At least Bachelor's degree computer science/Information technology or equivalent At least 1 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position. Good organization skills Experience in Java Development Experience with Java SE, EE (mostly middle tier and front end) and [...]


Posted: 03 Dec 2009 05:56 PM PST

PT. Sinar Niaga Sejahtera – Tudung Group Is one of FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) distribution leader in Indonesia. Now we're open a new challenges for you, professional who have talent and motivation to join a world class company We are invite you to join us as: LEGAL OFFICER Requirements: -          S1 / S2  Law  from reputable university -          Min. 2 years [...]


Posted: 03 Dec 2009 05:17 PM PST

HOTEL ATLET CENTURY PARK JAKARTA We are seeking immediately highly motivated person for the following position : 1. Front Desk Officer General Requirements : 1. Male 2. Good command in English both oral and written 3. Related Experience and hotel school background 4. [...]



lowongan kerja IT S1 Komputer PT Bayer Indonesia 2009

Posted: 03 Dec 2009 05:36 PM PST

As the core company of Bayer's operations in the country, Lowongan PT Bayer Indonesia produces and markets a broad range of pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter products, as well as products for the agricultural industry. There is a plant in Surabaya for agricultural chemicals, and plants in Cimanggis and Cibubur for over-the-counter and pharmaceutical products, respectively, which are marketed in the country and also exported to other Asia Pacific countries.

IT Coordinator

This Position will report to Plant Management (R-A-F), and to Country Head of IT (F).

General Qualification:
  • Male or Female age 27 – 35
  • Min. S1 majoring in Computer Science, or Information Technology
  • Min. 3 years in similar position
  • Fluent in English both spoken and written is a MUST
  • Min. 3 years of experience in handling & developing ERP, especially in SAP System
  • Exposures in Manufacturing Process, especially in Chemical, Petro-Chemical, Oil & Gas, etc
  • Able to work independently and team player
  • Based in Plant Site, Anyer, Banten
  • IT Service Oriented (IT-IL Certified is a plus)
  • PC- Client Setup using standard systems
  • PC- Client troubleshoot
  • Windows 2003 Networking Environment (ADs, DNS, DHCP, etc)
  • Messaging & Collaboration System, e.g., Microsoft and Lotus Products
  • Database Server System Using Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle
  • Desktop & Client Server Application Development with Visual Basic 6.0
  • Web Based Application Development Using ASP & ASP.Net
  • Industrial Hardware Interfacing & Programming (DCS, PLC, Micro Controller, Signal Conditioning)
  • Familiar with Maintenance Management Systems (MMS)
  • Familiar with PaBX/ IPT system, Siemens or Cisco
  • Familiar with IPv4 & IPv6 Networking Protocol
Please send your application, CV, recent photo to careerbayer_id@bayer-ag.de

Tag : Lowongan kerja bank, Lowongan kerja oilgas, Lowongan kerja PT Bayer indonesia

Lowongan kerja S1 komunikasi, Accounting, Finance, journalistic, Design Komunikasi, Semua Jurusan PT. Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia

Posted: 03 Dec 2009 05:23 PM PST

Lowongan kerja, Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI) , the leading private television station, need a young power potential of energetic and dedicated to the position as:

Scriptwriter (SW)

  • Education minimal S1 majoring communication / literature Indonesia
  • Minimum GPA 3
  • Age 24-28 years
  • Minimum 2 years experience as a scriptwriter / copywriter
  • Creative, able to work in teams, able to work under time pressure
Creative (Cr) 

  • S1 any major, preferably majoring in communications
  • Minimum GPA 3
  • Age 23-28 years
  • At least 1 year experience as a creative in television station
  • Having a broad knowledge of television programs
  • Creative, able to create it, have presentation skills, able to work within a period of extensive, able to work within a team
Producer (Prod)

  • S1 any major, preferably majoring in communications
  • Minimum GPA 3
  • Age 27-30 years
  • Minimum 2 years experience as a Producer program in television production
  • Having a broad knowledge of television programs
  • Creative, have presentation skills, able to work within a period of extensive, capable of working in teams, have good leadership skills
Budget Officer (BO)


  • S1 accounting or finance
  • Minimum GPA 3
  • Age 24-28 years
  • At least 1 year experience in making the budget a large company
  • Thorough, able to work in an extensive period of time, able to coordinate with many parties
Fashion Stylist (St)


  • Min S1 Degree in fashion
  • Minimum GPA 3
  • Age 24-28 years
  • At least 1 year experience as a fashion stylist in the print media and television stations
  • Having extensive knowledge in the field of fashion, following the trend, creative
Reporter Sport (Rep-Spt)

  • S1 degree in any majors, preferably from the journalistic
  • Minimum GPA 3
  • Age 24-28 years
  • Minimum 2 years experience as a sports reporter
  • Tenacious, persistent, able to work under pressure of time, able to work within the extensive work
  • Having extensive knowledge about sports, especially football
Reporter Infotainment Program (Rep-Inf)

  • S1 degree in any majors, preferably from the journalistic
  • Minimum GPA 3
  • Age 23-26 years
  • At least 1 year experience as a reporter infotainment
  • Tenacious, persistent, able to work under pressure of time, able to work within the extensive work
News Computer Graphic Designer (NCG)

  • D3 any major, preferably from visual communication design
  • Minimum GPA 3
  • Age 22-26 years
  • Understanding the 4D cinema program, after effects, adobe photoshop
  • Creative, able to work within the extensive work
Send your application with CV, copies of diploma & pass 4×6 size color photo to:

Human Resource Department
PT. Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia
Jl. Kebon Jeruk Raya Pejuangan
Jakarta 11530

Or via email to: recruitment@rcti.tv

Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

Bursa Lowongan Kerja

Bursa Lowongan Kerja

Various Vacancy at Mandarin Oriental, Jakarta

Posted: 03 Dec 2009 03:18 PM PST

www.mandarinoriental.com SALES & MARKETING CULINARY Catering Sales Executive Commis In Room Catering Sales Manager Pastry Demi Chef Sales Executive CDP Butcher Reservation Agent Chef de Partie Sales Coordinator FOOD AND BEVERAGE ENGINEERING Assistant Catering Manager Safety Officer MO Bar Captain Cinnamon Captain MO Bar Waitress HOUSEKEEPING SECURITY Housekeeping Order Taker Security Supervisor Room Attendant Kindly send your resume together with: A professional picture (taken within the last 2 months) Your Salary expectation Your [...]


Posted: 02 Dec 2009 04:10 PM PST

Opportunity exist to join a well funded, dynamic E&P company with the vision and desire to add additional assets to its existing, operated portfolio of 3PSC's in onshore South Sumatra and West Java. Commensurate with the caliber of people we are looking to attract a competitive salary and benefits package will be offered to suitably qualified [...]


Posted: 02 Dec 2009 04:07 PM PST

URGENTLY REQUIRED We are an Oil & Gas Engineering Consultant Company, is currently seeking Indonesia’s young professionals with high motivation and strong determination for the following positions: PROJECT CONTROLLER * Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree / Post Graduate Degree in Engineer or Science dicipline. * Experience min. 6 years in Oil & Gas industry * Experience as Project planner and (or) [...]


Posted: 02 Dec 2009 03:59 PM PST

URGENTLY REQUIRED 1. Secretary to Director: Female max 25 yearsold, Single, Fluent in Oral andWriting English, Fluent in Chinese is an advantage, Good presentation skill, Willing to travel, Graduated from a reputable national university or academy, Fresher's are encouraged for this position Fast Learner, Highly Motivated, Proactive, Easy Going & Diligent To be located at Cempaka Putih and please forward [...]