Water and steam cycle running in a closed cycle (closed steam-water cycle). At the beginning of the process (start-up), demin water entering through Hot well. then from Hot well water is pumped by pump Condensate Polishing devices through which functions like a mixed bed, which is to bind the ion - ion impurities in the water. The existence of this tool to anticipate when the condenser sea water leaked into the system. So that there is salt in the water content, which can damage the equipment, then, the water will be fed into Gland Steam Condenser. Gland Steam Condenser steam serves to cool the seal on the turbine, condensate and water heating, water heaters and into the low pressure Low Pressure Heater (LPH # 8, # 7, # 6, # 5) is heated using steam extraction results from LP turbine. And from the LP heater, the water then entered the deaerator. Deaerator functions as heating, storage, and also removes dissolved gases in water. The deaerator steam extraction is the result of the IP turbine, so the deaerator can be also referred to as heater # 4. absence of oxygen at high temperatures can cause corrosion of pipes - pipes of the boiler. Oxygen separation process carried out by spraying water on the tray-story, so that the grains - grains of water so that gas or air is more easily separated, the steam sprayed from the bottom, so that the gas and carried off steam.
The water then is pumped using a boiler feed water pump (BFP) in the High Pressure Heater (HPH # 3, # 2, # 1) is heated high pressure steam extracted from the turbine high pressure and moderate (HP and IP turbine). Water and steam into the drum. From the steam drum, water down through the downcomer through natural circulation. Experience in water heating tube wall, so that some of the water into vapor phase becomes saturated (saturaded steam) and then channeled back into the steam drum. In the steam drum there is a separation of water and steam. While vapor-phase which has been forwarded to the superheater and has continued to be warming up steam (superheated steam).
Steam pressure up to 17.44 MPa and a temperature of 540 oC superheater used to play high pressure turbine (HP turbine). Out of the HP turbine, some of the steam is used as seals (seal) in the gap turbine. So that the steam turbine HP and IP are not able to get out while the LP turbine outside air can not enter the turbine. Advanced steam reheater pressure of 3.61 MPa and temperature of 540 oC is used to turn turbines are pressure (IP turbine). Furthermore, without reheating the steam used to turn the low pressure turbine (LP turbine). Round three of these turbines is used to turn generators and produce electrical energy.
LP steam from the steam turbine into the condenser to be cooled and dikondensasikan, by taking the media from sea water cooling. Sea water into the condenser when pumped by a circulating water pump. after condensing the vapor will change phase into the water and the capacity in the Hot well, the next cycle (water vapor) will continue to spin like at the beginning of the process (of Hot well water) to pass the equipment on the power plant to generate electrical energy.
The process of combustion air
In the combustion process, air will be used in the combustion air consists of primary and secondary air. Primary air produced by the Primary Air Fan (PAF) to bring coal into powder that has been in the furnace.
Secondary air produced by the Force Draft Fan (FDF). The air is then heated in a water heater and into the wind box to the boiler. Secondary air then into the furnace for the combustion process. Time combustion of exhaust gas and fly ash, drawn by the Induced Draft Fan. Exhaust gas and then go to Electro Static Prescipitator (ESP). In the ESP, the flue gas is separated from fly ash, the dust and other particles in the exhaust gases. ESP works capture the dust with the positive electrodes and negative. Fly ash generally has ion, would be caught by these electrodes. Then the motor will move the bat that will thrill electrodes so that fly ash will fall and was taken by air using a compressor to the fly ash silo. Fly ash can still be used as material for making cement.
Process Coal and Ash Handling
For the generation process at the Cilacap power plant with a capacity of 2x300 MW, it is necessary to supply coal for 2x152 tons / hour coal.
From the Coal Yard, coal transported by using Stacker and Reclaimer. Stacker / Reclaimer take a bucket wheel coal, passed on conveyornya, then dropped to the conveyor below. With the conveyor belt of coal brought to the crusher to be destroyed to pieces the size of ± 3 cm. Before you reach the crusher, the coal is passed magnetic separator device to capture metals are carried on the coal. Then enter the roller sieve, which can separate the large coal and small. Large coal crusher to put into being a little crushed forwarded. After the coal into small pieces, passed again by conveyor to the coal bunker.
From the coal bunkers, coal into the coal feeder that will regulate the flow of coal to the mill. Here, the coal is ± 3 cm in size were destroyed in a way that is shaped like crushed filings which measured about 200 mesh. This process is done in order to more easily coal mixed with combustion air and wide penampangnya greater. Time combustion of heavy ash (bottom ash) fell under the furnace.
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